Avondlezing door Gertjan Koster (TU Twente, MESA+ Instituut voor Nanotechnolgie) georganiseerd door de Chemische Kring Midden Nederland.
Tijdens deze lezing zal prof. Gertjan Koster proberen uit te leggen wat precies nano-technologie inhoudt en enkele voorbeelden geven van succesvolle toepassingen van nano-technologie. De voorbeelden zijn gekozen uit eigen onderzoek, onderzoek van het MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology+ en daarbuiten. Na afloop zal blijken of de vraag of nano-technologie van belang is voor Nederland beantwoord kan worden.
CURRICULUM VITAE PROF.DR. GERTJAN KOSTERAfter finishing a master degree on Applied Physics G. (Gertjan) Koster performed his PhD on “Artificial layered complex oxides by pulsed laser deposition“, which he defended on September 9th, 1999 advised by prof. dr. H. Rogalla. In that same year he moved to California to join the Kapitulnik-Geballe-Beasley (KGB) group at the Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials, Stanford University, briefly as a visiting scholar continuing as a research associate and lecturer. In 2005 he acted as director of the surface characterization laboratory as part of the Stanford Nanocharacterization Laboratory. Mid-2007 he joined the Inorganic Materials Science group, University of Twente, as an assistant professor. Since June 2014, he has been appointed ‘Adjunct Hoogleraar/Associate professor’ in Physics of Complex Inorganic nano-materials. His research focuses on the structure-property relation of atomically engineered complex (nano)materials, especially thin film ceramic oxides. For the thin film synthesis, he developed the first time-resolved RHEED-system, operating at high pressures up to 100 Pa during pulsed laser deposition. With these systems several new growth phenomena have been observed, leading to new proposals to manipulate the growth behavior of complex materials. The systems are now commercially available (Twente Solid State Technology BV, for whom prof. Koster is acting as a consultant).
Current research includes the growth and study of artificial materials, the physics of reduced scale (nanoscale) materials, metal-insulator transitions and in situ photoelectron spectroscopy. This research includes (multi)ferroic, piezoelectric, magnetic and correlated electron complex oxide materials.
(2014) |
Visiting professor QMI, UBC, Vancouver. |
(2011-2014) |
Associate professor, Inorg. Materials Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, UT. |
(2007-2010) |
Assistant professor, Inorg. Materials Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, UT. |
(2006-2007) |
Lecturer and senior scientist, Geballe Lab. for Adv. Materials, Stanford University |
(2005-2007) |
Lab director Surface Science Laboratory, Stanford Nano-characterization Laboratory |
(2003-2006) |
Research associate, Stanford University and UT. |
(1999-2003) |
Post Doc/Visiting scholar, Stanford University |
(1999) |
Post Doc, Low Temperature Division, Dept. of Applied Physics, UT. |
(1995) |
Master's (‘Doctoraal’) University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands |
Title Thesis: “De geldigheid van verfijningsmodellen in de kristallografie” (“The validity of refinement models used in crystallography”), advisor Prof. Dr. D. Feil |
(1999) |
Doctorate University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands |
Title Thesis: “Artificially layered oxides by pulsed laser deposition” advisor Prof. Dr. H. Rogalla |
(2014-) |
Associate Professor (Adj. hoogleraar), Inorganic Materials Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Twente. |
(2001) |
NWO TALENT stipend, (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research; equiv. to Rubicon) |
(2002) |
VENI scholarship, Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research NWO-STW |
(2012) |
Opleidings Onderwijsprijs Advanced Technology |
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